Marijuana vs Opioids: UCAL Berkley Study Once Again Proves Medical Marijuana Takes The Cake


Opioid abuse leads to 91 deaths per day - to put that in perspective, gunshots result in 92 fatalities per day. Imagine that?

HelloMD conducted a study at the infamous UCAL Berkeley to determine if weed is a legit substitute for opioids. After 3,000 subjects were through, it became clear that YES is the answer.

97% “Strongly Agreed” or “Agreed” that they could reduce their opioid use by going green.

Did we mention 81% of patients in the study stated that, when they self medicate with cannabis, it works better than their prescribed opioids. Here’s the thing: Cannabis is starting to put up a supreme argument for itself in the alternative medicine game. It’s no longer a sweep it under the carpet type of deal – no – enticing data is emerging that’s causing even the stiffest of the stiff to think twice about their stance on this amazing flower.HelloMD conducted a study at the infamous UCAL Berkeley to determine if weed is a legit substitute for opioids. After 3,000 subjects were through, it became clear that YES is the answer. If 97% agree and and 92% said they would choose medical cannabis to help treat their ailments – BTW these people are currently using opioids to treat their medical condition – why isn’t being made readily available? There’s real science (science, ever heard of it?) to back up other so called “stoner” claims, such as the gateway drug theory. Now it’s time for the medical world to take notice and adapt.

The Best Defense to Opioid Abuse

It’s time for the big wigs and pharma companies to wake up and listen to the people. Not because we think we’re smarter than them, but because we’ve potentially unlocked the best defense we have to opioid addiction.Opioid abuse leads to 91 deaths per day - to put that in perspective, gunshots result in 92 fatalities per day. Imagine that? 

Amanda Reiman, PHD, MSW, professor @ UC Berkeley’s School of Social Welfare and the study’s point

“[the treatment of pain] has become a politicized business” in the U.S., “the result has been the rapidly rising rate of opioid-related overdoses and dependence.”“Patients have been telling us for decades that this practice is producing better outcomes than the use of opioid based medications,” she said in a statement. “It’s past time for the medical profession to get over their reefer madness and start working with the medical cannabis movement and industry to slow down the destruction being caused by the over prescribing and overuse of opioids.”

Think. Ponder. Deep dive into how you can support this cause. Do it for the people you know who have lost to opioid addiction – fatal or not. We have the momentum and it’s now on us to carry each other into a field of wild horses.